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Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual-DELiGHT

Oyun İndir Kategorisinde ve Pc Oyunları Forumunda Bulunan Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual-DELiGHT Konusunu Görüntülemektesiniz, Konu İçerigi Kısaca ->> Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual-DELiGHT ...

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Alt 15-02-2015, 22:12
Arrow Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual-DELiGHT Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual-DELiGHT

Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual-DELiGHT

Description: Bastion is an action role-playing experience that redefines storytelling in games, with a reactive narrator who marks your every move. Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted environments as you discover the secrets of the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that shattered the world to pieces. Wield a huge arsenal of upgradeable weapons and battle savage beasts adapted to their new habitat. Finish the main story to unlock the New Game Plus mode and continue your journey!


Stunning hand-painted artwork in full 1080p resolution
Critically-acclaimed original music score
Hours of reactive narration delivers a deep story
Action-packed combat rewards playing with finesse
Controls custom-tailored to PC plus gamepad support
10+ unique upgradeable weapons to be used
6 powerful Bastion structures to be discovered
‘New Game Plus’ mode unlocked after finishing the story

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   ▐▀▐▄ ▄▌▐█▓▓▒░   ░▒▓█▀▀▀ ▄▓▄▓▀▀  ▀        ▀▀▓▄▓▄ ▀▀▀▓▒░ ▀▓▀  ░▒▓▓█▓ ▐▄■▄ ▀  ▌
   ▐ ▐ ▀▓▄▄ ▀█▓▒░  ▀ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀                     ▀▀▀▓▄▄▄░     ░▓▓▓▓▀ ▄▄▓▀     ▌
   ▐ ▐  ░▀▐▓▄ ▀▓▀ ▄▓▀▀                                 ▀▀▓▄  ░▓█▓▀ ▄▓▌▀░  ░   ▀
   ▀ ▐   ■▀ ▀▓▄  ▐█▌    Bastion v2.0.0.6 Multilingual    ▐█▌   ░ ▄▓▀ ▀■   ▒
   ▀ ▐   ■▀ ▀▓▄  ▐█▌                                     ▐█▌   ░ ▄▓▀ ▀■   ▒
     ▐     m0▐█▌■ ▀▓▄                                   ▄▓▀  ▀  ▐█▌CRO   ▄▓▄
     ▐      ▄▓▀      ▀▀                               ▀▀         ▀█▄      ▀
     ▐▄▄▄ ▀                                                          ▀ ▄▄▄
   ▄▀▓▀        [ ] KEYMAKER   [ ] SERIAL   [ ] CRACK   [x] RETAIL        ▀▓▀▄
  ▐▌▐▌                                                                    ▐▌▐▌
   ▀▄▓▄        CRACKER.......: DELiGHT   RELEASE DATE..: 2015-02-15      ▄▓▄▀
      ▀▀▓█▄    RLS PACKAGER..: DELiGHT   FILES.........: 12x100.00   ▄█▓▀▀
    ▄▀▄▓▀                                                              ▀▓▄▀▄
   ▐▌▐█▌       ▄                      ▄  ▄                      ▄       ▐█▌▐▌
    ▀▄█▓▄   ▄ ▐▌           ▀▄    ▄    ▐▌▐▌    ▄    ▄▀           ▐▌ ▄   ▄▓█▄▀
      ▀████▀ ▄ ▀▄    ▄▓▄    ▐▌   ▐▌  ▄▀  ▀▄  ▐▌   ▐▌    ▄▓▄    ▄▀ ▄ ▀████▀
      ▀▐█ ▄█▀    ▀▓▄  ▀   ▄▄▀  ▄▄▓▄▀▀      ▀▀▄▓▄▄  ▀▄▄   ▀  ▄▓▀    ▀█▄ █▌▀
       ▀▐▐█▌   ▄  ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀                ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌  ▄   ▐█▌▌▀
        ▐ ▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀                                  ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀ ▌
        ▀   ▀▓█▓▀▀         R E L E A S E    N O T E S         ▀▀▓█▓▀   ▀
             █▀                                                  ▀█
            ▐▌                                                    ▐▌
             ▀▄                                                  ▄▀
                  Bastion is an action role-playing experience
                  that redefines storytelling in games, with a
                  reactive narrator who marks your every move.
                  Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted en-
                  vironments as you discover the secrets of
                  the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that
                  shattered the world to pieces. Wield a huge
                  arsenal of upgradeable weapons and battle
                  savage beasts adapted to their new habitat.
                  Finish the main story to unlock the New
                  Game Plus mode and continue your journey!
               ▄                      ▄  ▄                      ▄
              ▐▌           ▀▄    ▄    ▐▌▐▌    ▄    ▄▀           ▐▌
             ▄ ▀▄    ▄▓▄    ▐▌   ▐▌  ▄▀  ▀▄  ▐▌   ▐▌    ▄▓▄    ▄▀ ▄
          ▄█▀    ▀▓▄  ▀   ▄▄▀  ▄▄▓▄▀▀      ▀▀▄▓▄▄  ▀▄▄   ▀  ▄▓▀    ▀█▄
         ▐█▌   ▄  ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀                ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌  ▄   ▐█▌
          ▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀                                  ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀
            ▀▓█▓▀▀         I N S T A L L    N O T E S         ▀▀▓█▓▀
             █▀                                                  ▀█
            ▐▌                                                    ▐▌
             ▀▄                                                  ▄▀
                  Audio and text: English. Text only:
                  Deutsch, espa±ol, franτais, italiano  
                  1) Unpack, install
                  2) Start Language Settings
                  3) Play!
                  This Release belongs to the Scene. If you
                  you are not, ask your Mommy to buy it !!    
               ▄                      ▄  ▄                      ▄
              ▐▌           ▀▄    ▄    ▐▌▐▌    ▄    ▄▀           ▐▌
             ▄ ▀▄    ▄▓▄    ▐▌   ▐▌  ▄▀  ▀▄  ▐▌   ▐▌    ▄▓▄    ▄▀ ▄
          ▄█▀    ▀▓▄  ▀   ▄▄▀  ▄▄▓▄▀▀      ▀▀▄▓▄▄  ▀▄▄   ▀  ▄▓▀    ▀█▄
         ▐█▌   ▄  ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀                ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌  ▄   ▐█▌
          ▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀                                  ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀
            ▀▓█▓▀▀          D E L i G H T    N E W S          ▀▀▓█▓▀
             █▀                                                  ▀█
            ▐▌    DELiGHT is currently looking for experienced    ▐▌
             ▀▄   members with the following skills:             ▄▀
                  * capable of defeating commercial software
                    protections (Armadillo, SecuROM ,VOB...)
                  * familiar with creating keygens for games,
                    commercial,crypto and custom protections
                  * able to supply unreleased software
                    (games of all kinds and applications)
                  * anything else that could contribute to
                    our group                    
                ▄                      ▄  ▄                      ▄
              ▐▌           ▀▄    ▄    ▐▌▐▌    ▄    ▄▀           ▐▌
             ▄ ▀▄    ▄▓▄    ▐▌   ▐▌  ▄▀  ▀▄  ▐▌   ▐▌    ▄▓▄    ▄▀ ▄
          ▄█▀    ▀▓▄  ▀   ▄▄▀  ▄▄▓▄▀▀      ▀▀▄▓▄▄  ▀▄▄   ▀  ▄▓▀    ▀█▄
         ▐█▌   ▄  ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀                ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌  ▄   ▐█▌
          ▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀                                  ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀
            ▀▓█▓▀▀              G R E E T I N G S             ▀▀▓█▓▀
            ▄█▀                                                  ▀█▄
           ▐█▌            ACME - CYGNUS - MYTH - HOODLUM          ▐█▌
            ▀▓▄              DEViANCE - UCF - GENESIS            ▄▓▀
              ▀▓▄▄             CORE - ZEKE - Hatred           ▄▄▓▀
                 ▀▀▓▄▄▄                                  ▄▄▄▓▀▀
                      ▀▀▓▄▄                          ▄▄▓▀▀
                          ▀▀▄                      ▄▀▀
                           ▀ ■                    ■ ▀
                             ▐▌                  ▐▌
                           ▄ ▀                    ▀ ▄
                        ▄▀     ▀▄
                       ▐▌     ▄                  ▄     ▐▌
                        ▀▄ ▄▓▀   ASCII BY m0lo-   ▀▓▄ ▄▀
                          ▐█▌                      ▐█▌
                           ▀▓▄  ▄■   OF CRO   ■▄  ▄▓▀
                              ▀▓▌              ▐▓▀
                                ▀▄▄          ▄▄▀
                                   ▀▄      ▄▀
                                    ▐     ▐▌
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                                     ▌░   ▐
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