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Omerta City of Gangsters Gold Edition-I_KnoW

Oyun İndir Kategorisinde ve Pc Oyunları Forumunda Bulunan Omerta City of Gangsters Gold Edition-I_KnoW Konusunu Görüntülemektesiniz, Konu İçerigi Kısaca ->> Omerta City of ...

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Alt 11-04-2015, 16:46
Arrow Omerta City of Gangsters Gold Edition-I_KnoW Omerta City of Gangsters Gold Edition-I_KnoW

Omerta City of Gangsters Gold Edition-I_KnoW

Description: All that glitters is Gold! The ultimate collector’s edition of the award-winning gangster game “Omerta – City of Gangsters” includes the main game and all currently available DLC –adding up to more than 100 hours of playtime. It also features 25 unique characters and more than 20 different and detailed district maps of Atlantic City – an offer you can’t refuse!

Work your way up from small-time crook to boss of the underworld in this strategic simulation set in the Golden Twenties by setting up speakeasies, gambling dens and distilleries. Recruit a hard-hitting crew armed with a variety of lethal weapons and equipment for tactical turn-based combat. Match wits with the AI or work your way up the global leaderboards in action-packed online duels.


Includes the main game “Omerta – City of Gangsters“, the expansion “The Japanese Incentive“ and all released DLC and content updates.
Two extensive single player campaigns filled with plot twists, unique characters and daring missions provide more than 100 diversified hours of playtime in and around an authentically recreated 1920s Atlantic City.
Strategically build speakeasies, casinos, hotels and distilleries in real time and rack up a fortune with your gangster empire!
Bowl smart AI enemies out of town through raids, burglaries and extortion in sandbox mode.
Step up in competitive or cooperative multiplayer with or against rival gangs.

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█▒  ______         __                            __         ___          ▒█
█▒ |   __ \.-----.|  |.-----.---.-.-----.-----. |__|.-----.'  _|.-----.  ▒█
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█▒  │                                                                │   ▒█
█▒ ─┼──────                                                    ──────┼─  ▒█
█▒  │ Title     : Omerta City of Gangsters Gold Edition              │   ▒█
█▒  │ Supplier  : I_KnoW                                             │   ▒█
█▒  │ Cracker   : I_KnoW                                             │   ▒█
█▒  │ Packager  : I_KnoW                                             │   ▒█
█▒    Genre     : game                                                   ▒█
█▒    Language  : en de fr pl                                            ▒█
█▒    Year      : 2014                                                   ▒█
█▒    Image     : iso                                                    ▒█
█▒    protection: retail                                                 ▒█
█▒  │ Disk      : DVD 55*50MB                                        │   ▒█
█▒  │ Rls date  : 04/2015                                            │   ▒█
█▒  │ Os        : win xp+                                            │   ▒█
█▒  │ www       : ▒█
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█▒  │                                                                │   ▒█
█▒   _______               __          __ __    __         ___           ▒█
█▒  |_     _|.-----.-----.|  |_.---.-.|  |  |  |__|.-----.'  _|.-----.   ▒█
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█▒  │                                                                │   ▒█
█▒ ─┼──────                                                    ──────┼─  ▒█
█▒  │                                                                │   ▒█
█▒  │Includes                                                              ▒█
█▒   Omerta: City of Gangsters,                                              ▒█
█▒   the expansion ôThe Japanese Incentiveô,                               ▒█
█▒   and all released DLC and content updates                                ▒█
█▒   All that glitters is Gold! The ultimate collector's edition         ▒█
█▒   more than 100 hours of playtime                                         ▒█
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█▒  │          Our rls are only for FUN                              │   ▒█
█▒             IF u like it BUY IT                                       ▒█
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Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 10:50 .

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