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Dungeons 2 A Clash of Pumpkins-SKIDROW

Oyun İndir Kategorisinde ve Pc Oyunları Forumunda Bulunan Dungeons 2 A Clash of Pumpkins-SKIDROW Konusunu Görüntülemektesiniz, Konu İçerigi Kısaca ->> Dungeons.2.A.Clash.of.Pumpkins-SKIDROW Kod: ...

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Alt 02-11-2015, 22:08
Standart Dungeons 2 A Clash of Pumpkins-SKIDROW Dungeons 2 A Clash of Pumpkins-SKIDROW


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���    �                       .the leading force.                    ��    ߲�
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���   ��                        proudly presents                         ���߲�
�����     Dungeons 2 - A Clash of Pumpkins (c) Kalypso Media Digital       ����
����                                                                        ���
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���    02-11-2015......Release Date <-> Protection..........Steam+Custom    ���
���    RPG/Strategy.......Game Type <-> Disk(s)....................1 DVD    ���
���                                                                         ���
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   � � RELEASE NOTES                                                      ��
 ���                                                                       ����
��� Trick or Treat! The Dungeon Lord is in a mischievously macabre mood,    ���
��� and no one is safe! In `A Clash of Pumpkins' , the new                  ���
��� Halloween-inspired DLC for Dungeons 2, the armies of evil will face     ���
��� new horrors including trigger-happy pumpkins, haunted forests and       ���
��� murderous penguins across 3 all-new, eerily beautiful skirmish maps.    ���
���                                                                         ���
��� Included in `A Clash of Pumpkins':                                      ���
���                                                                         ���
��� Scare Island                                                            ���
��� Every year, the Alliance sends out its strongest and bravest            ���
��� combatants to Scare Island - where the infuriatingly plucky knights     ���
��� must prove themselves worthy in battle in an attempt to become          ���
��� legendary heroes. With the Dungeon Lord in desperate need of a          ���
��� vacation, what could be more fitting than a trip to Scare Island?       ���
��� Bloody and brutal days are coming - and the tourist industry of         ���
��� Scare Island will never be the same again!                              ���
���                                                                         ���
��� Ghostwood                                                               ���
��� An ancient and mysterious place once conquered by the Alliance - which  ���
��� was probably as good an idea as a group of drunk college students       ���
��� messing about with a Ouija board in an abandoned log cabin on an        ���
��� Indian burial site. Such ignorance shall surely be punished, as the     ���
��� haunting Evil One sets forth to impose law and order in his own name.   ���
���                                                                         ���
��� Regicide                                                                ���
��� After countless battles against the Alliance and other competing        ���
��� factions, the Dungeon Lord is confronted with the most daunting terror  ���
��� the nameless fantasy realm has ever seen - killer penguins! The         ���
��� waddling, tailcoat-wearing nasties are relentlessly crashing down upon  ���
��� the evil hordes, and there's only one way to stop them: the penguin     ���
��� king must be dethroned!                                                 ���
���                                                                         ���
��� NOTE: This releases is made standalone and contain all previously       ���
���       released DLC! Game does all feature all languages and updated to  ���
���       latest build.                                                     ���
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   � � INSTALL NOTES      ߲�    ��������     �   �ܲ���  �� ���    � �    �
 ����                      �� ��              � �     ܲ�                   ���
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���                                                                         ���
��� 1. Unpack the release                                                   ���
��� 2. Mount or burn image                                                  ���
��� 3. Install                                                              ���
��� 4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder and into the main   ���
���    install folder and overwrite                                         ���
��� 5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as      ���
���    secure/trusted in your antivirus program                             ���
��� 6. Play the game with admin rights                                      ���
��� 7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!            ���
���                                                                         ���
���                                                                     �������
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   � � GREETINGS          ߲�    ��������     �   �ܲ���  �� ���    � �    �
 ����                      �� ��              � �     ܲ�                   ���
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��� To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!                ���
���                                                                         ���
���                                                                         ���
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�������������������ܲ����������������  �                 �     �   ��       ���
���������������������������������   ascii art by the      ���    �  ��      ���
�߲�����������������������������   godlike & terrific duo  ������� �� � �   ���
  �  ����������������������������      malodix + irokos     ������۲�����������
          �� ���  ����������߲�����     titan artdivision    ������������۲����
                �    �������    ��߲�                          ����������������
                      �۲��          �                            �߲����������
                     ����                                            ������ ���
                   �                                                   ���
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