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Altium Nexus 2.0.10

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Alt 31-01-2019, 10:49
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Standart Altium Nexus 2.0.10 Altium Nexus 2.0.10

Altium Nexus 2.0.10 | 3.0 Gb
The Altium product team is pleased to announce the availability of Altium NEXUS 2.0.10 (build 142). This latest update to Altium NEXUS continues to deliver new features and enhancements to the software's core technologies, while also addressing many issues raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community's BugCrunch system.

Released: 17 December 2018 - Version: 2.0.10 (build 142)[/b]
This latest update to Altium NEXUS continues to deliver new features and enhancements to the software's core technologies, while also addressing many issues raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community's BugCrunch system. Along with delivering a range of new and exciting features that develop and mature the existing technologies, it also incorporates a large number of fixes and enhancements across the software as a whole, helping designers continue to create cutting-edge electronics technology.
Feature Summaries[/b]
Advanced Layer Stack Management
Defining the layer stack for a multi-layer high-speed PCB is an art in itself, juggling layer order, materials, thicknesses, and via configurations, to achieve the impedances required to fulfill the design requirements.
Appreciating this, the Layer Stack Manager has been completely re-designed to support all aspects of layer stack configuration:
- Define the stackup - configure layer details manually with detailed, user-definable layer property information, or select materials directly from the extendable Materials Library.
- Configure the impedances - define the single-sided and differential impedance requirements for each layer, define and use impedance profiles, use the forward and reverse calculator to explore what-if scenarios as values are adjusted.
- Configure the via types - visually define the via spans allowed in the layer stack, then reference those via spans by name in the design.
- Configure the back drilling requirements - visually define the required back drills, these are automatically in accordance with the applicable Stub Length design rule.
- Comprehensive editing type functionality - configure the column visibility and order, enforce materials library compliance and stack symmetry, explore what-if scenarios with full Undo and Redo, and examine the completed stackup with the built-in visualizer.
Enhanced Interactive Routing Tools
- Routing-friendly Move Component - move a component and its fanouts, connected routes are automatically recreated when the move is complete.
- Glossing Pushed Routes - pushed routes are automatically glossed to ensure no acute angles are created.
- Follow Mode during interactive routing - click an existing contour and the interactive route path follows the shape. Works for single-sided and differential pairs.
Other Routing Improvements:
- Gloss Selected - better able to resolve glossing of multiple routes, including differential pairs.
- Zipping up of differential pairs, reducing un-paired distance.
- Junction smoothing - prevents Z corners.
- Loop removal on-off toggle.
- Via spanning diagram displayed during interactive routing layer changes (Properties panel).
Support for µVias
Already common inside components using flip-chip and chip-scale packaging, microvias (µVias) are becoming more popular in high-density board design.
With their exceptionally small feature sizes, µVias offer higher design density and can help reduce potential signal integrity issues.
µVias are defined in the new, visual, Layer Stack Manager, as either adjacent or Skip µVias. Like traditional vias, µVias are automatically used during interactive routing, based on the layer change and the applicable design rules.
During a layer change the current µVia (or µVia stack) is detailed on the Status bar, press the 6 shortcut to cycle available µVias/vias. Stacked µVias are placed when the layer change is across multiple layers.
Object-Level Pad & Via Thermal Connections
Rules-driven design is ideal for controlling the overall specifications of the design. However, rules become cumbersome when handling localized requirements, such as configuring the polygon thermal connections for specific pads and vias.
This release sees the introduction of pad & via-level thermal relief specification. Use Altium NEXUS's powerful Properties panel to edit the Thermal Relief settings for one or many pads / vias, in a single edit action.
Structural Electronics Design - Printed Electronics
An exciting evolution in the design and development of electronic products is the ability to print the electronic circuit directly onto a substrate, such as a plastic molding that becomes a part of the product.
This release sees the beginning of support for designing printed electronics; including definition of the stack of conductive and non-conductive layers, and interactive or automatic definition of the dielectric patches.
Draftsman Enhancements
Along with performance improvements and user interface refinements, Draftsman offers a range of new features that add to the information and data included in board production documents .
- Board Realistic View - place rendered 3D board views in production documents.
- Board Layers in Fabrication and Assembly views - add mechanical and/or signal layer overlays on board Assembly and Fabrication views.
- Board Region View - place a view that indicates a board design's different layer stack regions, as represented in the PCB editor's Board Planning Mode view.
- Center Mark - add configurable Center Mark indicator objects to Circle and Arc objects.
- Format Painter - use the format of an existing Text object to define the format of multiple text objects.
- Transmission Line Structure Table - include routing impedance calculations and data from the PCB Layer Stack into a configurable Draftsman table.
- Move Callout and Dimension target - drag and drop the starting point/node of a Linear Dimension or Callout to a new binding location.
- Solder and Glue joint Symbols - add GOST defined symbols for glued and soldered mechanical joints to drawings.
- Special Strings in Table cells - special/smart string parameters included in Table cells will be processed to display their corresponding Value.
Components panel
Developed as an advanced replacement for the existing Libraries panel, the new Components panel provides direct access to all available components, including Managed Components hosted on a connected managed content server. The panel features all related data for a selected component, including models, parameters, datasheets, and for Managed Components, its Part Choices and Where User data.
For server-based Managed Components, the Components panel also includes the new parametric search capability applied in the Manufacturer Part Search panel. Based on contextual dynamic filters, the panel's search capability allows you to quickly locate the exact part you need from your company's component resources.
New Part Search panel
With this release, the process of researching, selecting and sourcing the right parts for a PCB design can now be achieved in a single, multifunction Manufacturer Part Search panel. The new panel replaces the Part Search panel, and combines the data resources of the Altium Parts Provider extension and the Altium Content Vault to offer the most suitable component parts through its new parametric search engine.
The Manufacturer Part Search panel provides a rich set of data for listed component parts, which includes manufacturer parameters, associated models, datasheets, price/availability summaries and part supplier links. To make finding the exact part you need easier, the panel's search engine offers an adaptive range of parameter filters (including unit-aware parameter value specifiers) and a graded listing based on factors such as stock levels, model availability and price.
ActiveBOM Becomes Manufacturer-Centric
This release of Altium NEXUS sees ActiveBOM complete the transition from supplier-centric component selection features, to manufacturer-centric component selection. Using the Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) as the core component reference ensures full access to the real-time supply chain information delivered by the cloud-based Altium Parts Provider, including supplier stock levels, price, and lifecycle status.
Search for parts in the new Manufacturer Part Search panel, or create and edit Manufacturer Links via the new Add Part Choice dialog. Both of these interfaces share a similar interface; with navigation by Category, parametric filtering, and a powerful faceted Search engine.
This release of ActiveBOM also supports:
- Change a component in the BOM, and push that change back to the project via an ECO.
- Rank the Part Choices, these rankings are then used for the solutions in the BomDoc.
- Perform BOM Check validations from the OutputJob.
- Tight integration to the new BOM Report Manager.
New BOM Report Manager
Being easier to use and having a more configurable interface, the new BOM Report Manager simplifies the BOM generation process. The new Report Manager partners well with ActiveBOM, having similar interface controls and layout.
The Report Manager:
- Supports BOM Sets defined in the BomDoc, use this feature to quickly switch between different BOM layouts.
- Generate Excel-format output files without requiring Microsoft Excel® to be installed.
Faster & More Accurate Multi-board Design
This release sees the introduction of MCAD-like editing functionality to the Multi-board Assembly editor, built on the powerful, new 3D graphics engine.
This includes support for:
- Rigid-flex PCB designs, presented in their final fold-state
- Ability to Mate objects, with:
. Object Mating based on two chosen surface locations
. Manipulation of Mates as a single object
. Separating Mates by a specific distance, in X, Y or Z directions
- Enhanced, fast and accurate Section View
- Substantially faster collision checking
- Export to STEP and Parasolid
These new Multi-board features are delivered by a new 3D engine. This requires an update to the Multi-board file format, so existing Multi-board designs must re-import the child PCB assemblies (Design » Import Changes).
Other New Features and Enhancements
- Unlimited PCB mechanical layers - add any number of mechanical layers, define the Layer Number, and set the Layer Type.
- New Sign In menu - sign in to your Altium Account and an available Altium managed content server from one location.
- New Open Project dialog - search, browse and open Managed or unmanaged Projects through a single dialog.
- Improved management of Component Types - the list of available server Component Types is now managed through the software Preferences.
- Ability to export your PCB layout to an ANSYS EDB file, for use with the ANSYS Electronics Desktop - courtesy of the new ANSYS EDB Exporter extension. more.

25312 Improved opening speed of panels such as the Properties and View Configuration panels.
26036 Revised the data column sorting in the Pin Mapper to match the net name and pin number order.
26554 Fixed issue where incorrect component parameters are shown in Explorer panel after sorting by component tolerance.
26927 Improved the UI action of scrollbars (within panels, grids, dialogs) making them easier to use.
27405 Fixed an issue where the 'Variant or safe array index out of bounds' error message appeared when accessing multi-dimensional arrays.
27113 Fixed issue where an exception is raised if attempting a Check Out when the VCS Provider - GIT service has been removed (BC:9551).
27906 Fixed an issue where modified field values in the Properties panel (when editing objects on a SCHDOC or SCHLIB) were not being applied, if the currently selected item was changed for another, or deselected (BC:9641).
27975 Improved move and locking behavior between board components and external parts in Multi Board Assembly.
28216 Fixed bug where the Clone Variant duplicated UniqueID in .PrjPCB file that led to infinite ECO loop of parameters for Alternate Parts with the Same footprint.
28304 Updated Sign In drop down menu UI to offer all available managed content servers.
28482 Reduced and optimized quantity of the queries to the system registry (BC:9106).
28582 Updated Open Project dialog from file browser to dialog for accessing all project sources, including Managed Projects.
28907 Added new Create Project dialog that simplifies selection of the project target location and applied template.
29828 Fixed invalid session ID bug that caused multiple reconnect attempts to the associated server.
29880 The name Design Workspace has been changed to Project Group, to avoid confusion with the new cloud Workspaces. The *.DsnWrk file extension has been retained for a saved Project Group.
Data Management
21617 Revised the Filter Editor dialog UI in ActiveBOM.
22430 Added ability to set manufacturer Part Choice ranking for Managed Components in Component Editor, Explorer and ActiveBOM.
22653 Changed the retrieval of Supplier Part Numbers and Manufacturer Part Numbers to batch mode to prevent the delays associated with sequential single data requests in BOM report, SchLib editor and OutJob with Active BOM.
22982 Fixed issue in Data Management - Servers page of Preferences which is flagged as modified when no changes have been made.
23120 Restored the 'Publish Documents To' function for publishing released documents from the Explorer panel.
23348 Implemented the BOM document filter options in the BOM Report.
23824 Manual Solution is now supported by Import Ranks feature. Import manual solution for the component from one Project-BOM to another.
23999 Fixed issue where variations to project properties were not being passed to BOM outputs (BC:9580 ; 7072).
24029 Added new 'Supplier Packaging' parameter to the cloud component data to provide a distinction to the manufacturer 'Packaging' parameter (BC:8063 ; BC:8986).
24443 Resolved issue where BOM filtering options change after an increase or decrease in the number of design items (BC:5572).
24619 Introduced support for ActiveBOM Filter options in BOM Report and BOM Sets.
24832 Fixed issue where the Part Suppliers in a BOM document are not dynamically updated when the Parts Providers locations have been changed in Preferences.
24844 Added ability to change Component sources (design Items) directly within ActiveBOM, as in the Item Manager.
24876 Added new Create/Edit Manufacturer Links feature for ActiveBOM Solutions (BC:9437).
25271 Added ability to export BOM in xls/xlsx format when MS Office is not installed (BC:4646).
25441 Fixed issue where the Print Preview for a PCB 3D Printout is blank.
25760 Paste functionality has been improved when working with an ActiveBOM document, and at least one target cell has been selected.
25801 Fixed issue where a design file could not be successfully renamed in the Storage panel (BC:8643).
26014 Fixed a SVN connection error issue where a created SVN v1.9 file repository could not be committed to after the software has been restarted.
26111 Resolved an issue where a large number of listed OutJobs could not be displayed in the Project Release Options dialog, when the PC screen scaling has been set to 125%.
26133 Restored Filters options for 'Resistor' part types when searching Managed Components in the Explorer panel.
26267 Resolved issues with designator parameter type priority in BOM Reports.
26496 Resolved exception error when attempting to edit a particular component footprint from the Single Component Editor.
26699 Resolved issue where existing Part requests in Vault 3.0 are not shown in the Explorer panel.
26967 Resolved an issue with Project Releaser where the release would generate 'same key' errors if the only difference between any parameters was the presence of special characters (_, &, \, etc).
27026 Fixed issue where case sensitivity between a component's symbol and footprint Pin names caused multiple errors when releasing the component to a server.
27048 Added Supplier Packaging data to Manufacturer Part Search UI as parameter entries in the Details section (BC:8986 ; BC:8063).
27064 Resolved issue where BomDoc line numbers were blank if Greek characters have been used in component Value parameters.
27268 Fixed Bug in Properties panel that caused the 'Could not find the component in available libraries' error for the NEXUS Server managed component which also has corrupted the reference.
27404 Fixed delay issues in ActiveBOM caused by excessive data requests when updating component data from server.
27535 Fixed issue where the order of Supplier Links for a component in a BOM Report does not match that component's actual order of Supplier Links parameters (BC:9691).
27714 Fixed BOM Report issue where the Include Parameters From Server function returned different suppliers to those specified in the component Properties.
27959 Fixed regression where the target SVNDbLib cache folder path was missing a '\' character causing a SVN process failure.
28081 Fixed an error "One or more errors occurred at 000000010DA15E92" in Project Releaser that was occurring during preparation of data.
28291 Option "Report BOM Violations in Messages Panel" has been added to BOM report preferences.
28443 Added "BOM Checks with the ActiveBOM Document" item to the "Validations Output" menu.
28448 Cache Folder option added to the Data Management - SVN Libraries page of the Preferences dialog (BC: 1195).
29089 The Altium Infrastructure Server Packager now correctly uses the updated Preferences for the deployment package.
29090 An Altium Infrastructure Server Deployment Package no longer requires an internet connection to be present during installation (BC:8488).
29809 Fixed Component panel bug where the selected component category could not be reopened after performing a File-based Library Search.
17619 Fixed bug causing P-CAD Import-Export errors and PCAD16LD.DLL access violations.
24746 Fixed issue where buses are not correctly translated when importing a xDxDesigner project.
25221 Updated xDxDesigner importer with improvements in the interpretation of layers and connections, and the alignment of Net Labels.
25427 DXF Import now properly supports spline objects and creates corresponding polygon objects.
25959 Resolved issue where some components are not translated when importing an xDX Designer project.
27588 Fixed issue where an "Access Violation" occured during the import of a specific xDxDesigner design with multi-part components.
28014 Fixed a bug in the Expedition Importer where only Top and Bottom layers were imported for a specific project.
28735 P-CAD Importer now correctly imports connections and ports (BC:9577).
29014 Improved Eagle importer with numerous fixes covering; hierarchical blocks, board outlines, layer assignments and object shapes.
28067 Generating IPC-2581 output no longer causes an access violation when using multi-line text in a string object (BC:10407).
30293 New extension added - Ansys EDB Exporter. Once installed, access in PCB Editor using File>Export>Ansys EDB.
15059 Added new Board Region View object to show board stack-up regions in Draftsman documents.
16063 Added support for special strings in a Draftsman custom Table (BC:7698).
18439 Added board Realistic 3D View object to Draftsman (BC:6991).
18441 Added Draftsman Center Mark object that binds to circle and arc centers (BC:9029).
18756 Fixed issue where a Rigid Flex design displays incorrectly in the Isometric View and the Board Assembly View with True Geometry.
22669 Improved snapping behavior of Dimension object points.
24616 Fixed an issue where the 'Draftsman document is out of date' redundant warning message appeared after export (of a specific users' design) to PDF (BC:9184).
25766 Added the ability to choose the displayed layer overlay(s) in Draftsman Board Assembly and Fabrication views. (BC:6910 ; BC:7716).
25779 Added new Transmission Line Structures table object in Draftsman that is populated with impedance calculation data from the Layer Stack Manager.
25784 Added Draftsman drawing symbol objects for representing Soldering and Gluing points.
25785 Improved the process for adding text in Draftsman where a single mouse click will add the default text in a default text box.
25786 Added new type of Sheet Number parameter to Draftsman that allows GOST compliant sheet numeration.
26114 Fixed issue where a moved or resized Draftsman graphic object can collapse to a single line (BC:9471).
26164 Fixed issue where a change in 3D body position in the PCB, caused by a PCB library update, is not updated to the board view in Draftsman.
26266 Fixed issue where the Space Navigator cannot zoom in a Draftsman document when a table cell has been clicked.
26443 Fixed an issue where, after renaming the associated PCB document, Draftsman would crash.
26542 Fixed regression where the hatching was missing on the Assembly view for not fitted components with silkscreen graphics selected (BC:9416).
26867 Fixed regression where hatching was not displayed for a Not Fitted component with its 3D body missing.
26934 Resolved slow performance issue when generating PDF output from an OutJob.
27359 Fixed bug where some not-fitted components were displayed on assembly views for particular users designs (BC:9416).
27601 Fixed bug that caused a prolonged hang due to duplicate designators on PCB (BC:9203 ; BC:9632).
27694 Added ability to move the start (target) points of Draftsman Callouts and Dimensions after placement (BC:7740).
27699 Fixed issue where a Fill pattern in a Draftsman Layer Stack Legend would revert to its default settings when the document is reopened (BC:9756).
27854 Fixed Draftsman bug where Variants are not being applied to an Isometric View generated by an Output Job.
28416 Improved the display of the Draftsman Assembly View in situations where the 3D model has potential errors (BC:9944).
28803 Radial dimensions now copy/paste correctly in Draftsman (BC:9969).
29424 Fixed inconsistency in 3D camera capture positioning for Draftsman Realistic View and Outjob PCB 3D Print when using the Custom View option.
29443 Fixed bug where the Auto-save Backup crashes Draftsman while working in the PCB Editor (BC:9857).
29463 Added Draftsman support for showing the Flex region Topology in a Board Assembly View.
30087 Draftsman's 'Update Board' command has been changed to 'Import Changes from [PCB document]' to better describe its function.
21572 Fixed bug in a Space Navigator where 3D movements in MbaDoc were inconsistent with PcbDoc.
23734 Fixed 'Input string is not in correct format' error when splitting a signal Entry for Multi-Board Schematic (BC:9406).
24498 Fixed bug where a "Input string was not in a correct format" error is thrown when attempting to Split a Multi-board schematic module Entry (BC:9406).
28431 Added support for 3D mouse in Multi-board designs â€" zoom/pan/rotate.
28432 Added support for exporting Multi-board assembly in STEP and Parasolid X_T format.
28433 Multi-Board Assembly now supports and shows the final folded state of rigid-flex designs.
23846 Fixed issue where cut/copy/paste could not be used in the Properties panel Parameters listing (BC:9153).
24226 Fixed issue where the Name/URL link for a Schematic Library component was not updated (unless using Enter or focus change) when pressing Update in the Properties panel (BC:9637).
25412 Fixed 'Access violation at address' error that occurred when closing a schematic document with a paused interactive process.
25459 Resolved very slow response when ECO performed after making parameter changes for a Schematic Library that has a large number of Supplier Links.
25864 Fixed an issue where the Name field in the Properties panel for a Port object did not provide a drop-down listing of all existing port names.
27672 Fixed an issue with the Schematic Text Frame object where, when editing through the Properties panel, Tabs were being replaced with spaces when pasting text from an external editor (BC:9663).
27900 Fixed an issue where placing a component on a schematic sheet became slow after compilation.
28442 Using the Properties panel to simultaneously edit multiple objects across multiple schematics now correctly marks all sheets as modified (BC:9236).
28446 Schematic component (designator or comment) values are no longer overridden when enabling the "Override Library Primitive" option in Schematic Preferences (Defaults) (BC:10072).
28539 The Component mode of the Properties panel now includes a Rules section on the Parameters tab, allowing component-type design rules to be specified on the schematic (BC:9445 ; BC:8903).
28565 The Parameter Table Editor now displays all data correctly when the Altium Light Gray UI theme is used (BC:9931).
28716 Reinstated the ability to add and edit Design Rules associated with a schematic Component or document via its properties. Accessed in the Rules section under the Parameters tab in the Properties panel.
16383 Fixed bug that caused ODB++ output based on an Embedded Board to fail.
24425 Gloss and Retrace are now able to operate on objects in unions.
24595 Various enhancements to the routing-friendly move component feature, including better support for when: component is fanned out; its pins are routed; the target area has routes in it (BC:1048 ; BC:2866).
24805 Continued development of Interactive Router Follow mode with various bug fixes and behavior improvements.
25517 Added HDI - microvia (uVia) support.
25634 Resolved an issue where snap points and measurement lines were not visible for a semi-transparent free 3D Body, at certain view angles.
25666 Fixed Regression when it was not possible to change 'Value/Type' column value in 'Model Assignment' dialog of Signal Integrity.
25671 Resolved an issue where the Interactive Differential Pair Length Tuning command would not obey the target length being set to match a routed Differential Pair.
25724 Fixed regression in an interactive multi-route process where a change to the bus spacing was not being applied through the Properties panel.
25809 Layer tabs no longer auto-scroll when a tab is clicked. This would occur whenever the left-most tab was not the first visible tab (BC:9927).
25853 The Target Length values are now sorted correctly in the Properties panel when using the From Diff. Pairs setting.
25951 Added preferences option to enable/disable the reconnect after Move Component feature.
25975 Fixed issue where there is a very long delay when starting the Interactive Router in particular board designs.
25982 Added and integrated new thermal relief options for pads and vias.
26034 Fixed bug in PCB List panel Smart Edit feature where the Batch Replace function was inoperative.
26128 Added the capability to define, use and output an unlimited number of mechanical layers (BC:8976).
26144 Fixed an 'Object accessed after being destroyed' error message in the View Configuration panel that occurred when selecting a Layer Set if the previous set was deleted.
26361 Addressed the regression in IPC Compliant Footprint Wizard where it was not possible to change (or insert) any parameters for LGA, BGA Package Layout Options when Full Matrix is not selected.
26459 Fixed Net Class sorting in the Properties panel to match the Net sorting used in other areas of the software, such as the PCB panel.
26610 Updated Layer Stack Manager with new document interface and UI enhancements for stackup definition, uVia support, materials library, impedance calculator and more.
26862 Resolved CAMtastic issue where Design Rule values were incorrectly rounded to one decimal place.
26953 Fixed bug where the ability to define new component layer pairs was incorrectly available in the PCB Library Editor (BC:9535).
26970 Resolved an issue where the Extract 3D Models function cannot create the 3D model file outputs from the source PCB Library (BC:9418).
27000 Fixed issue where a Project Parameter in a Special String would not update in response to a change in the parameter's Value.
27451 Fixed an issue where PCB panels that were created using embedded board arrays incorrectly output the board outline ("profile") layer to ODB++.
27575 Fixed an issue when DRC flagged a Minimum Annular Ring violation for the backdrilling Stop Layer.
27661 Added ability to directly select the preferred layer from the drop-down menu opened by the Ctrl+L hotkey during Interactive Routing.
27662 Added ability to select the desired layer with the Number pad keys during Interactive Routing.
27666 Added "Show Layer Numbers" option to enable layer numbers in PCB editor layer tabs.
27673 Fixed an issue where pasting a free pad or via on a polygon pour did not accept that polygon's net setting, resulting in short-circuit and clearance violations (BC:9229).
27689 Added Interactive Routing logic to prevent a sub-via being separated from its stacked via set axis during the push and hug process.
27708 Fixed an issue where the backdrills did not appear after opening the PCB document within a specific project.
27771 Added a fully labelled Via side view to Interactive Routing Properties panel.
27871 Implemented Arc Approximation property for standalone regions. This property is available for a selected region in the Properties panel, PCB List panel, and FSO dialog.
28086 Fixed issue where a false un-routed net violation is reported for hatched polygons on particular board designs.
28114 Fixed bug where some objects (such as Line and Arc) on Layer 17-32 were converted to Layer 16 by the Make PCB Library function (BC:9847).
28174 Added Thermal Relief connection style options to Properties panel for pads and vias, which override the style defined in the PolygonConnect rule.
28188 Gerber-X2 Exporter now generates the Profile layer correctly when using arcs\curves (BC:9868).
28275 Net inheritance is now handled correctly when placing a PCB object that could attach to multiple nets, a selection window is displayed listing all possible nets.
28427 Added ability to place dimensions in PCB lib, which do not appear in PCB layout (BC:903).
28428 Added ability to create 3D Bodies from selected tracks, arcs and solid regions. Use Tools>Convert>Create 3D Body From selected primitives (BC:1868).
28441 Pressing the L shortcut to flip a moving component to the other side of the board no longer causes incorrect pad violations to be displayed (BC:5427).
29176 During a layer transition while interactive routing the 6 shortcut key can be used to cycle available via options. This now includes all possible via combinations, for example uVia + blind via.
29179 Added possibility to move strings on overlay layers in 3D mode (BC: 584).
29262 Fixed regression in PCB 3D body snap points where an added custom snap point could not be selected when using the Position 3D Body tool.
29269 DRC no longer falsely detects Minimum Annular Ring errors after the Remove Unused Pad Shape tool has been used to remove unused pad/via donuts (BC:4701).
29698 Resolved outstanding situations where the Flipped On Layer setting was incorrectly being enabled for a component, including: flipping a component while moving then performing an Undo; using a Paste on Current Layer feature (Alt+Ins or Paste Special) to swap layers while pasting; or importing preferences from an older version that had that setting enabled (BC: 9238 ; BC:10235).
29727 Fixed regression where it was not possible to paste special characters into the Text property box of a text string (BC:10221).
29778 Resolved an issue where the PCB editor performance would degrade after using the RMB to drag the view multiple times.
29786 Zoom behavior in the PCB Rules and Violations panel improved - now zooms to the violation detail instead of the violating objects (BC:7987).
29887 Resolved an issue where transparent objects in a 3D model became visible during a 3D command, such as Create from 3D Body, Align Face with Board, or Measure 3D Objects (BC:8699).
29932 New query keywords added: IsBlindVia, IsBuriedVia, IsMicroVia and IsThruVia.
30270 Fixed an issue where highlighting did not work when dragging a PCB component designator while in 3D mode.

About Altium Nexus. Welcome to Altium NEXUS, a complete, end-to-end design environment for electronic printed circuit board design. Altium NEXUS enables you to bring your ideas to life with the most efficient and collaborative PCB design environment available. From a tiny, foldable rigid flex board that goes into a hearing aid, through to a large, 20+ layer high-speed network router, Altium NEXUS works with you to deliver a successful design.

New to Altium NEXUS?

The way you work in Altium NEXUS is much like other Windows applications - commands are accessed through familiar menus, graphical views can be zoomed and panned using standard Windows keyboard and mouse actions, and many of the commands and features can be accessed through keyboard shortcuts.
Where Altium NEXUS differs from other Windows applications is the way that it brings all of the editing tools that you need, into the one environment. That means you edit the schematic and lay out the printed circuit board in the same software application. You also create the components, configure the various output files, and can even open the ASCII outputs, in that same environment.
The 64-bit application that you launch is referred to as the X2 platform. Each different document type opens inside the X2 application, with the appropriate editor-specific menus, toolbars and panels appearing automatically as you move from one document-kind to another.
Why have all the tools inside the one environment, you ask? Doing this allows you to shift your focus from being tool-oriented to being design-oriented. Working in a design-oriented environment delivers you, the designer, significant advantages, including:
- Easily access any document in the project from the Projects panel. All of the project documents are displayed, and the schematics are also organized to reflect the design structure.
- The ability to easily move back and forth between the schematic and the PCB. Tasks such as moving design changes from the schematic to the board, or the board back to the schematic, are quick and non-intrusive.
- Select a set of components on the schematic and they're selected on the board, ready to be added to a PCB component class, or to be repositioned and aligned, or flipped to the other side of the board.
- Flick back and forth from a 2D view of the board to a highly realistic 3D view, detect a mistake, switch to the schematic and make an edit, update the PCB, and you're back on track.
- Add a new component on the schematic and see it appear immediately in the BOM document, ready to have its supply chain details finalized.
- The ability for the software to work with a single, unified model of the entire design in memory - delivering the advantages detailed above, along with a host of others.
These are just a few simple examples of the many advantages a design-oriented environment delivers. Regardless of whether you work as a solo designer, or as a member of a large, geographically dispersed team, Altium NEXUS delivers an easy-to-use, immersive design space on which you'll enjoy crafting your next great idea.
About Altium NEXUS Server. A distinct design solution in its own right, the Altium NEXUS Server works in harmony with Altium NEXUS to provide an elegant answer to the question of handling design data with secured integrity. The Altium NEXUS Server not only provides rock-solid, secure storage of data, but also enables re-release of data as distinctly separate revisions - essentially tracking design changes over time, without overwriting any previously released data. It also caters for the lifecycle of the data to be managed, allowing people that need to use the data to see, at-a-glance, what stage the data has reached in its 'life' and therefore what it can be safely used for.
But the Altium NEXUS Server is used to store so much more than just the data generated from a board design. It is also used to manage all other sets of data obtained from the Design Area through the running of specific release processes. This includes the release of component definitions, domain models, schematic sheets of circuitry and design templates. Indeed, you can even create and manage your entire design projects directly within the server, with the additional benefit of collaboration support, meaning an entire team can work concurrently on the same board design - even annotating the design with . You can even control the working environments of your designers - ensuring that company-wide design standards are enforced and adhered to.
By furnishing a set of reusable design 'building blocks' within the Altium NEXUS Server, you can embark on fresh projects safe in the knowledge that each model, component, and higher-order design element has been ratified and approved for use, with no having to reinvent the wheel as it were. The server becomes both the source and destination of design elements, with each new design utilizing elements released to, and managed through, the server. And by designing only with elements from the Altium NEXUS Server, the integrity of those designs is inherently assured.
About Altium Ltd. Altium LLC. is a multinational software corporation headquartered in San Diego, California, that focuses on electronics design systems for 3D PCB design and embedded system development. Altium products are found everywhere from world leading electronic design teams to the grassroots electronic design community. Founded in 1985, Altium has offices worldwide, with US locations in San Diego, Boston and New York City, European locations in Karlsruhe, Amersfoort, Kiev, Munich, Markelo and Zug, and Asia Pacific locations in Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney.
Product: Altium Nexus
Version: 2.0.10 (build 142)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 3.0 Gb
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